Locke had thrown a knife in Naomi's back and run off after a confrontation with Jack. Desmond returned from the Looking Glass with a message from the now-dead Charlie who told him that the freighter was "Not Penny's Boat". Ben was still trying to convince everybody that the people on this boat were very bad and were arriving to do some bad things to the island (oh, how they should have listened). While trekking to meet the rest of the islanders, Hurley got lost and ran into Jacob's cabin that somehow has the ability to move. In it, he saw Jack's dead father, Christian, and somebody's eye. After meeting with the rest of the survivors, Locke convinced half of them to join him to go and live in the Barracks so that they could stay safe from the evil freighter people. Sawyer, Rousseau, Hurley, Claire, Ben, and a few others all left. Then a helicopter flew overhead and out parachuted Daniel Faraday...
Then three others got out of the helicopter- Charlotte, the redheaded anthropologist, Miles, the chinese ghostbuster, and Frank Lapidus, the pilot who SHOULD have been flying 815. They were on a mission to find and arrest Ben.
After a little trouble, Miles ended up with Team Locke, Charlotte and Daniel with Team Jack, and Frank flew both Desmond and Sayid to the Freighter. En route, they ran into trouble when Desmond's conciousness started time-travelling back and forth from 1996 to 2004. Luckily he was able to meet Daniel in the past who told him to find and call his Constant, his girlfriend Penny.
It emerged that Ben knew what was going on with the freighter- Penny's father, Charles Widmore, had sent it to find the island for reasons unknown. Charles also planted a fake plane and stole 324 bodies to make it look like they were all dead. Luckily, there was a spy on his boat... Michael. Last seen cowardly boating away with his son after killing Libby and Ana-Lucia. So it goes.
After leaving, Ben had blackmailed Michael into joining the freighter by sending newly-outed Tom to tell him that it was the only way to save his friends. Michael also learned that the island won't let you die until it's finished with you- employing such methods as jamming guns, causing car crashes, and so on.
Back on the island, Ben convinced Rousseau, Karl, and Alex to go to The Temple to be safe- but before they had a chance, Rousseau and Karl were gunned down by the Freighter Mercenaries. So it goes. They kidnapped Alex and took her back to the Barracks, shot and killed countless extras, exploded Claire's house (with her inside), and threatened to execute Ben's daughter in front of him, who did not relent and stayed in his house. Then one of them, Keamy, shot her in the head. So it goes. Ben went into a secret room concealed within another secret room and emerged 20 minutes later covered in ash. The black smoke monster attacked the Mercenaries, and they flew back to the freighter. Team Locke left the barracks, and Miles, Claire, Aaron, and Sawyer headed back to the beach, and Locke, Hurley, and Ben went off to find the cabin.
On the beach, the freighter doctor's body washed up with his throat slit, and Jack started to feel pains in his abdomen. It turned out his appendix needed removing, and Juliet managed to do some surgery to fix it. Christian appeared to Claire, and she vanished into the jungle, leaving her baby in the forest.
Locke had a dream where Horace Goodspeed, one of the victims of the purge, told him that in order to find Jacob's cabin, Locke would have to find Goodspeed's corpse, which was lying in the mass grave. In Goodspeed's pocket, Locke found a map which the three followed to the cabin. In it was not Jacob, but Christian (and Claire. Eep). He told Locke that the mercenaries were coming back, and that to save the island, it would have to be moved.
Sayid went back to the island on the Zodiac and Daniel started to ferry people back to the freighter. Sun, Jin, and Aaron went with him. On the boat, Desmond, Michael, and Jin discovered a whole load of dynamite on board. Jack and Sawyer followed the satellite phone to the Orchid (where Ben, Locke, and Hurley were), and Sayid and Kate ran into a trap from the Others. They killed the freighter mercenaries. Locke told Jack to lie to the outside world about the island to protect it, and he, Sawyer, Hurley, and Kate left with Frank on the Helicopter. Due to a fuel leak, they needed some weight taken off, and Sawyer jumped out (not before whispering something into Kate's ear).
Ben and Locke went deep underground into the Orchid station where they found apparatus for making bunnies time-travel, and Ben killed Keamy who followed them. This set off the bomb. Des, Michael, and Jin were freezing it, but when the helicopter arrived they ran out of gas. Sun, Aaron, Desmond, Kate, Jack, Sayid, and Frank were onboard the chopper just in time to see Jin run towards them. It was too late for him though, and the freighter exploded. So it goes.
After that, they flew back to the island. However, Locke became the leader of the Others, and Ben exploded a tunnel and crawled into a frozen chamber with a wheel that, when turned, caused the island to move. The helicopter crash landed, but they managed to get aboard a life raft and ran into Penny's boat, who saves them.
A week later, they concoct a lie, and Hurley, Sun, Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Aaron all sail to Sumba. A press conference reveals the story- they were the only survivors, Kate is Aaron's mother, Jin died in the crash, and they get away with it. Kate is put on trial for her numerous past crimes but gets off scot-free. Sun gives birth to her baby and names her Ji Yeon. Hurley starts to see the dead (Charlie, Mr Eko), as well as Jack, who after finding out that Claire is his half-sister, becomes an alcoholic and has a vision of his father. Sayid rekindles his love with Nadia, but she is killed by one of Charles' men. So it goes. After turning the wheel, Ben wakes up in the middle of the desert and convinces Sayid to become a contract killer. Sun takes over her father's company and meets Charles, telling him that they have "common interests"- Ben also visits him and threatens to kill his daughter, Penny. A man named Jeremy Bentham starts to visit survivors and tries to convince them to go back to the island- however, he kills himself, and Jack and Ben visit him in the funeral parlour, where it is revealed that to save the islanders everyone who left must go back, including Jeremy, who is actually John Locke. So it goes.