Sunday, 13 January 2008

So I went and made a Blog.

So basically I thought this was a good idea. Wrong or right? I'll try and keep it going for a hwile. But I have nothing to write about.

Except February. It's gonna be like, the greatest month in our lives.

Dates for your diaries:

February 1st:I will be able to watch the first episode of Lost Season Four online. I need to know what happens! I saw a super-sweet trailer and a sneek peek from the ABC website and I am totally pumped. Beware that I will go on about Lost ridiculously and each post will contain at least One Lost Reference. Cloverfield is also released. I heard about this film ages ago and then my Media Studies teacher talked about it and we all watched the trailer. Which can be found HERE and if you haven't seen it or at least heard the name then you have been living under a rock for a long, long time.
A random day in the month: SKINS comes back. Loved that series last time it was on and I can't wait for all the sex and drugs.
February 7th: The BASTARD BRACES are coming off. The front teeth gap suddenly shrank on Saturday so all is well.
February 8th: Juno is released. Caitlin said that I will love this film. It looks nice, and I love those low-budget films. Half term begins, and most of my friends go on the Ski trip. Me, Roz, Kizzy, and others aren't going, however. The next Lost is released. Whoopee!
February 12th: Having my teeth polished.
Every Friday in February: Another episode of Lost. I can't state enough that I love that show. OK, I'll tone it down from now on.
February 25th: Once is released on DVD! I absolutely loved this film so much that I wanted to see it TWICE. Or even more Tymz than that.
February 29th:It's a special day for Leap Year fans.


Anonymous said...

Lost! Lots of excitement to be had :)

And I'm gonna go see Cloverfield this next friday; I do hope it lives up to the hype *crosses fingers*. And Juno was wonderful :)


C.S.X. said...

a.) Lost is fantastic.

b.) Juno is fantastic.

- Charlie

Mandi said...

I saw Juno last night, and I thought it was awesome. I definitely think you'll like it.

Besides having some of the funniest one-liners ever (and lots of them), the story is genuinely sweet. There's a happy ending, but not exactly what you expect. The characters are people you'd like to know. And I'll most likely be buying the DVD. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Yay for blogs! I only found this on your facebook today and I'm very glad I did.

I haven't had braces yet but they sound like they truly suck. It's really good that February 7th is just around the corner then.

I've seen Juno four times already. That's all I have to say about that. :)

Anonymous said...

I heart JJ Abrams :)