Let's crack on with the DEEP ANAL YSING. :P
1. So we're underwater, looking at rocks. They haven't found anything yet, but people are talking. We go to a different viewpoint, and we start to notice weird things at the bottom. And then we see a plane. Oh my God, it's Oceanic 815! We're then watching a TV News report, and the guy from last week finds this very upsetting. And he doesn't know why... SUDDENLY we're in a helicopter and everything is breaking. He gets pushed out, lands, checks his gun, and there's Jack and Kate. He takes off his helmet and tells them that he's Daniel Faraday, and that he's here to rescue them. CUT TO TITLES!
So the ROVs were looking for the Black Rock in the Sunda Trench, just off the coast of Bali. This storyline was covered in the internet sensation www.find815.com. A man named Sam Thomas got a weird message from a group named Maxwell, telling him to go aboard the Christiane I. At the end of the ARG they found the plane, all intact. Back to the episode- they found the plane, with all parts intact- including the cockpit that we saw last week. Clearly someone (Matthew Abbadon, perhaps?) has a lot of money and managed to create a plane with all the bodies in it. Somehow. Anyway, the guys chatting to each other and we hear one of them say that they got the coordinates off some guy's map. They weren't terribly specific. Naomi said last season that they sent in little robots to salvage the plane, and her info sticks to this story. Hmm. At Daniel's house, he tells his wife (as evidenced by her wedding ring) that he doesn't know why he's crying. Lies, obviously. I reckon he knew someone on that plane- Libby, perhaps? In the helicopter, the other freighterers are having a whale of a time. English chick Charlotte tries to find her vest, but is given angry Miles'. Lucky, huh? She would have been worm food without it. But why did she need it? And why do the whole team need guns? I would guess that upon hearing Naomi's highly coded message (tell my sister I love her) they decided that the 815ers were more dangerous than they thought.
2. In Tunisia, Charlotte and her french-speaking friend read a newspaper proclaiming "815: Retrouvé!" with a picture of the fake plane covering the rest of the page. A french-speaking man asks them to leave, and Charlotte hands him a wad of cash. She walks over to a skeleton on the floor- an Ursus Maritimus skeleton. Her friend says "Ursus? As in 'Bear'?" Charlotte tells her it is a Polar bear. The plot thickens when she digs up a collar with the Hydra Station logo on it. She smiles and the flashback ends.
WOOOAH. This part made my head pop. How can a Polar Bear be in the desert? However, we've seen them on a tropical Island. Maybe the Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications (The DHARMA Initiative) were altering their genes and trying to make them live in a hot climate. And the desert is pretty hot, right? Another theory is that the Polar Bear fell into a wormhole. Whatever floats your freighter.
3. Final scene I'll analyse: Four pictures are placed on a table. Naomi (dead) talks over the images of the four Freighter people we've just met. She's talking to Matthew Abbadon, the rather creepy man who was last seen in Hurley's future, asking "Are they still alive?" Naomi tells him that the "mission" will be hard enough without having to babysit a headcase, ghostbuster, anthropologist, and a drunk. Naomi wonders if there were survivors- Abbadon flatly denies this.
So Naomi is some sort of FBI person? And more importantly, why did Abbadon try and fool Naomi into believing that there were no survivors when there clearly were? Why were those people chosen? And how come Abbadon is sooo creepy? And also, first flashback of a dead person. Maybe we can finally get some of that Libby stuff that needs answering- but even if not, I'll bet that Daniel knew her.
So what did we learn this week? That DHARMA didn't just work on the Island, that the Freighterers are looking for Ben (who may have left the Island- see the picture below), that Ben doesn't know what the Smoke Monster is, and that Locke put a lot of trust in Taller-Ghost-Walt.
See you next week for "The Economist". Fun tymz!
1 comment:
I also just love all the tie ins to the find815 game. Everything in that game has the potential to a clue to the new series.
Maybe Miles will learn about Nikki and Paulo being buried alive....
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